Estrogen is more than a female sex hormone

Estrogen is a key hormone in both genders, though predominant in the females. When aromatase enzyme (cytochromes P450) acts on androgen (C19), estrogen (C18) is formed. Estrogen is critical player in glucose homeostasis, immune defense, bone health, cardiovascular health, fertility, and neural functions. Estrogen imbalance can cause pathologies ranging from infectious, autoimmune, metabolic to degenerative. Aging depletes estrogen level, causing bone, muscle, neural degeneration. The increasing exposure to inflammatory agents is fueling ‘estrogen dominance’. The encounter to excess estrogen mimics or xeno-estrogens, is inducing the overexpression of estrogen receptors (ERa and ERß). This overabundance of ER receptors is causing metabolic, autoimmune diseases, and cancers. The diseases like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, breast cancer, ovary cancer, and gynecomastia, osteoporosis are direct result of estrogen imbalance. Apart from that, gastric cancer, pituitary c...